There are four methods of deciding - which one is right for you?

I recently finished reading the book Crucial Conversations, when I came
across a section that hit me as being extremely relevant to the purchase of
services the sourcing process. This book opened up the way in which decisions
are made and the elements that play a role in determining which method is the
best one.
Let's take a look at the various methods of decision-making and their
strengths. Let's then discuss how you can use each to make the best decisions
that are possible.
Methods of Decision Making
The Command method allows decisions to be taken without the involvement of
others. It can also be referred to as authoritative and obviously the fastest
option because you aren't delayed by others offering their opinion or discussing
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Although emergencies are generally justified by the command system, many
other decisions need to be accepted by other people. The most commonly used
person who makes Command decisions in the workplace is someone in an executive
or a leadership role, as well as decisions in their personal life. These are
usually the most dangerous because there is usually no alternative.
The Consult method occurs when one seeks input from others but in the end,
only one person takes the final decision. Since different opinions and
alternatives are available the Consult method is less risky than Command.
However it is more difficult to implement. It's the easiest way to involve
others and can be used to make people feel like they have been part of the
process (even even though they don't get to influence the decision). They are
frequently employed to gain advantage in the workplace because they are shared
by colleagues of the same rank. In your personal life, it's an effective method
to gut-check with those who are familiar with your situation to ensure you're
making the correct choice.
The method of voting involves discussing possible options with the group and
then calling a vote to choose the best choice for the majority of people. This
is often referred to as democratic since each individual's view is considered in
the decision. Anyone who participates in a vote assumes the responsibility for
the decision in a fair manner which reduces your chance of making a mistake. It
is a good option for situations that require to be abided by and carried out by
the entire group. That is why it's popular for board of directors or senior
leadership to use this method. Vote is a powerful time management tool since it
comes with a time limit that expires when the vote is over. The decision is
made, which prevents it from running too long.
The Consensus method involves having the group debates options and
suggestions until everyone is able to agree to a specific plan of action. As you
might imagine, this is the most difficult and most time consuming method because
it requires different people with different motivations to all agree on one.
Inconsistency between stakeholders could cause the process to drag on, endless
discussions to convince others to select the best option with no time frame for
when that decision will be taken. Of course, once all parties are in agreement,
the risk of the decision being made is considerably less than the probability of
one person who makes the decision. This strategy shouldn't be only for the
purpose of gaining agreement across the group. It is essential to ensure that
the announcement that the decision has been reached and is clear to all
affected. To ensure that everyone understands the decision's final wording and
is not misunderstood, you should ask the question "Are we all agreeing that the
most effective course of action is to take and do we plan on with it
This helped me to reevaluate my thinking process and the "how" of my decision-making and I realized that I was not always making the right decisions. I make decisions in order to prevent the progress from slowing down. Guilty. I'm now aware that's not generally the best approach in the workplace. However, how do you determine the right method for your situation? Here are a few important questions to think about.
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